Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Smile Infinity® Computerized Dentistry (Hollywood Smile)

Porcelain Veneers are thin shells of ceramic that are attached to the front of the teeth for a smile makeover. Individually crafted for each patient, these cosmetic improvements are made from an advanced material that has a similar appearance of natural dental enamel. Dentists can use veneers for a spectacular number of cosmetic corrections, maybe it's for teeth whitening or an orthodontic adjustment.
Smile Infinity® computerized dentistry veneers are one of the most trusted and popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry.

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Those thin contact lenses are a treatment that corrects many things including:
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Yellow teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
and many more...

The patient can determine his/her candidacy for veneers by scheduling an appointment with a "skilled" cosmetic dentist. After evaluating health history, current dental health, and the condition of a patient's enamel, the dentist can make a decision regarding a patient's suitability for this treatment.
You can view the Hollywood Smile procedure Step by Step

Remember! If a patient has tooth decay, gum disease or root canal infection typically do not qualify for veneers, until all those issues are fixed, you will be able to stick the porcelain lenses on your teeth.

Veneers have several types. But the most advanced, realistic, and durable materials are the CEREC® fabricated veneers which are made at Smile Infinity®.
Smile Infinity® Computerized Dentistry Veneers are 0.2mm thin, 30% resistant and stronger than any other technique, lasts up to 15 years, and a warranty of 5 years!1242152777 cereccc.jpg CAD/CAM CEREC®
We use CEREC® technology for a faster process to create dental veneers. After analyzing the CAD/CAM images and making necessary adjustments, the dentist sends the images to a milling system. Much like a 3-D printer, the machine creates customized veneers from a single block of porcelain in a matter of minutes. The dentist selects the shade of porcelain that most closely matches a patient's teeth. The dentist can further personalize the restorations by painting or polishing the material.
This procedure is done with NO PAIN, NO DRILLING, NO ANESTHESIA
The cost of Smile Infinity® computerized dentistry veneers varies from patient to patient, although costs typically are around several hundred dollars per tooth. Depends on the number of veneers a patient chooses to have placed. (For more information about prices, fill the form here and our international office will contact you for all the details)
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Veneers have a beautiful natural look, but to better ensure the great results, patients should be highly selective in choosing their dentist. Although many dentists offer veneers, the best results are more likely to come from those who have an extensive background in cosmetic dentistry and veneers.
PS: A bad smile can ruin your confidence and self-esteem. Thanks for inventing those Porcelain veneers that will help you, bringing that confidence back by showing off those beautiful pearly natural whites!

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Dubai: +971564592353
Lebanon: +96170567444
Michigan : +1 313 582 1919
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International Hotline: +96171118100
Smile Infinity®, Just Excellence.

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